In 2019 we event managed the inaugural conference for the Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA): Capturing the Clean Growth Opportunities. The conferenece brought together nearly 200 people...
Insightful and flexible, Liz Warren of SE2 added real value to our performance gap workshop and as a bonus, her blog of the event was picked up by the media.
A couple of weeks ago, BEIS published their long-awaited response to the Heat Network Metering and Billing consultation and on the very same day laid the new Regulations before Parliament. They'll come into effect on 27th Novemb
July saw the publication of Stakeholder Engagement in Heat Networks: A Guide for Project Managers. The guidance, written by Carbon Trust, SE2 and CAG Consultants, takes you on a comprehensive journey through the stages of developing a heat network, discussing the key stakeholder engagement opportunities and considerations along the way.